Category: SAP Integration Suite
Test Security Material in CPI Groovy Scripts
An approach to test security material in CPI Groovy scripts using mock implementation of the SecureStoreService class.
Test Value Mapping in CPI Groovy Scripts
An approach to test value mapping in CPI Groovy scripts using mock implementation of the ValueMappingAPI class.
Set up FlashPipe easily with GitHub Actions
Introducing a brand new custom GitHub Action that helps to set up FlashPipe easily, allowing you to get started with CI/CD in no time.
Go, Go, FlashPipe – major version v3.0.0 release!
Announcing the new release of FlashPipe – major version v3.0.0. Featuring new features like a fully functional CLI, support for new artifacts types and more.
Tip to Handle Logging in SAP Cloud Integration
Logging in SAP Cloud Integration is limited at best. This post provides an innovative approach to handle logging in SAP CPI.